Sunday, July 5, 2020

Desk Professionals: Technology Standards and Standards development process

 Standards and Compatibility DO matter

"Desk-professionals" are always involved in planning and organizing any project.

So is the case of "desk murderers" like  Adolf Eichmann. The "desk professionals" who were in fact "desk murderers" as Hannah Arendt described them years later,  were the ones in offices, in conferences, seminars, companies...Those who planned and organized the Holocaust without taking part in killings personally.

The "system works", only if a network of industry and technology experts are actively involved - this was well known by the Regime.

Technology experts, standards, recommended practices and secrecy are fundamental pieces of the game. It was then as it it now.

Many Nazi technocrats participated and appreciated the opportunity of "giving a hand"supporting and creating standards, solid standards.

Among them was Karl Fritzsch. As today's "tech consultants", desk professionals in the Nazi System had important and almost "divine" roles.

As Eichmann, Karl was "just a bureaucrat" (later a "desk criminal") 

According to Rudolph Hoss, Karl Fritzsch, a technocrat, was the one who first suggested using poisonous gas for the purpose of mass murder.

By the way... Karl's name appears in many minutes of meetings, events and on but where is KARL?

Karl Fritzsch? His final fate remains unknown.

"The gloves are off"

                            Bronze mold of the gloves with which Eichmann was captured

                               Technology left behind:               
  Thousands of empty poison gas canisters used to kill in the
 "high tech" gas chambers - found in Auschwitz at the end of World War II

Friday, July 3, 2020

TECHNOLOGY - Pulsed Energy Projectiles - Portable Weapons (DEW)

"Early perpetrators become a scientific and moral elite and form a spiritual engine of biological necessity."

"The smaller genocide develops the technology , personnel (medical units), and institutional structure (killing centers) for the large genocidal act. But the prior event does more: it provides a shared sense, notably among the elite, that it can be done, that one can move from relatively amorphous imagery of victimization and triage for the act of total murder; and that it seems to work - a problem is solved.
There is a sense of achievement, a movement towards health."...
..." The rest of the population is not deemed ready for full knowledge; there is an ambivalence between secrecy tinged with shame and pride of achievement as the genocidal radius moves outward into an increasingly enveloping system of order and pol­icy, of bureaucratic and technological arrangement. "

The Psychology of Genocide

Extracted from Robert J. Lifton book:
The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing And The Psychology Of Genocide. New York: Basic Books Inc. Publisher.