CSIS Complicity in Torture in Guantanamo
The Report - the Canadian Officials participation in interrogation in the notorious Torture prison of Guantanamo:
The report is on line at:
The University of California Davis Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas (CSHRA)
Foreign Affairs Building- Canada-Photo Credit: Wikimedia
Just click on the link above to read the Report , or on the link below:
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - Activity Number 00444030552023
PAGE 9 of the Report :(click here to read the original document) - Preparing the 12 year-old for the Canadian "visit" :
"6. In an effort to make him more amenable and w·iIIing to talk,(blacked out)_ has placed Umar
on the -frequent flyer program: for the three weeks before Mr(blacked out) ~s visit, Umar has not been permitted more than three hours in anyone location. At three hours intervals
he is moved to another cell block, thus denying him uninterrupted'sleep and a continued change of neighbours. He will soon be placed in isolation for up to three weeks and then he will be interviewed again"
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