Saturday, October 17, 2009

OUT OF CONTROL: Torture, Illegal Arms Pipeline, Drugs...and Impunity

Part I THE FIRST WAR ON TERROR " : OPERATION CONDOR Operation Condor was a covert Latin American military network created during the Cold War to facilitate the seizure and murder of political opponents across state borders in Central and South America. It involved kidnappings, torture, murder. As the revelations emerge that the United States of America is engaged in torture , murders, kidnappings and suspected terrorists captured by CIA and U.S. special forces in Afghanistan and Iraq have been deliberately hidden from the Red Cross, severely tortured and abused to death, the History of the United States involvement in the "dirty wars" in Central and South America is a call to consider the consequences of clandestine operations in the name of democracy. The complicity of the American government with drug traffickers to protect American interests of national security or covert operations is also connected to Operation Condor and the "War on Drugs" . Some references: Cocaine Politics:Drugs, Armies and the CIA in Central America by Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall Guns, Drugs, and the CIA by Leslie Cockburn (full transcript HERE) Condor: The First War on Terror