"Unlike other Christian right groups, they don’t really believe that you’re in power because you’re a good person.They believe that they are the “new chosen,” that you’re chosen for power by God. And when you’re in that position, it doesn’t matter what you do." "They are chosen by God, regardless of how brutal they are. "
“The Family” Membership and "The Senators ":
The Family’s devoted membership includes Congress members, corporate leaders, generals, foreign heads of state, dictators, christians or not. The longtime leader, Doug Coe, was included in Time Magazine’s 2004 list of the twenty-five most influential evangelicals in America.
Among the members of "The Family":
Senator John Ensign of Nevada
Mark Sanford South Carolina Governor
Chip Pickering former Mississippi Congress member
All three of them, “non ordinary” “chosen” men who have been embroiled in recent sex scandals.
“The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power”
Jeff Sharlet, after years of research, published the book : “The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power”. He is a contributing editor for Harper’s and Rolling Stone and a visiting research scholar at the New York University Center for Religion and Media.
"The Family”- HEADQUARTER at “C Street House”
It’s worth about $5 million. They bought it with money supplied for them in part by the former CEO of the defense contractor Raytheon.
( Raytheon - One of Raytheon's more secretive subsidiaries was/is E-Systems, whose major clients have historically been the CIA and other spy agencies like the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office